04 May 2009

fighting insomnia

I'm fighting insomnia again, too bad it looks like I'm gonna lose the battle again tonight. I did learn a few things so I guess the night/morning isn't a complete waste.
  1. I may not be anyones musical soulmate(the idea of a musical soulmate is a bunch of nonsense anyway), but I do have great taste in music, britney aside
  2. The first song my acoustic vocoder band will record is Heartless
why you ask? Because its the only way to perform the song. Acoustic and Vocoderish. Plus if anyone can really do this song some justice, infuse it with pain, soulless vocal riffs, and convey the emotions it has to be me. I think Kanye wrote this song just so I could start a band and perform it and God created single, gay, 5'8, small dicked, asian guys to provide me with inspiration.

why'd ya have to be so doctor evil?
ya bringin' out a side of me that i don't know

Wait, scratch all of that about the asian guy. Its amazing what you can discover at six in the morning when you take time to read lyrics to a song. Heartless is all about me and K. Its all about me and K and I'm so dumb and naiive to never have noticed that.

how could you be so cold as the winter wind when it breeze yo
just REMEMBER that you talking to ME yo
YOU need to WATCH the way YOU TALKING to ME yo

So cocky, so motherfuckin cocky. But underneath all of that cockiness is someone hurt. Like seriously hurt. He loved this chick and she did something to destroy him, and now he's mad.

i mean after all the things that we been through
i mean after all the things we got into

He's still holding on. He can't understand that after everything. All the drama, all the cheating, all the sex, all the drugs, all the suicide attempts, after everything they've been through together why is it over now.

you got a new friend, well i got homies

Has to be the gayest line ever. You got a new love, but got dammit I got my boys. Yeah, definately gay.

but in the end its still so lonely

Even after the entire verse of bullshitting he knows he's still lonely. I'm guessing the homies wouldn't put out. Poor gayfish.

And now its 6:23 and I can actually see the sun rising. Maybe I should get some sleep now. This post will probably be deleted as soon as I wake up, for the simple fact that I said this song is about me and K and its not. I also have a bump in my head and it bothers me.

*palm to face

le sigh

currently listening to:Heartless-the Fray


ScaredTriumph! said...

Lol, don't delete it now! I've read it and I need something to go back to! It's proof that someone else stays up as late as me when they could be doing something more productive with their lives...

like sleeping.

And the gay thing... yeah felt the exact same way.

goleftatthefork said...

musical soulmate - lol :-)

Aek said...

Hey! What's that bit about Asians?! o_O?

I rather like this song. Musical soulmate, not sure if that exists. If so, I certainly haven't found mine.

kinderfield said...

haha well i know that i don't have a musical soulmate. I don't think there will be a person who will love manson as much as i do lmao. Good post and good song

x! said...

Kindy may not exactly be my musical soulmate, but Graydon is my musical soulmate for sure.


Don't bash my coin phrases and flirts.


J said...

well i just woke up and i guess i wont delete it, too many ppl like it and i wouldnt wanna have any pissed off bloggers mad at me. i have a whole cult of them already trying to kill me. dont need anymore.

as for the part about the asian its an inside joke i have with a friend. the bitch is heartless. dr.evil. and he treats me so wrong.

call.the.shots said...

lol. i WONDER who this gay asian that is 5ft 8inch with a small penis is...... ur going to die J!

J said...

somebodies a little sensitive, love yoou shots <3

Doomed But Cheerful! said...

mmm - the asian thing - such a stereotype ... shame on you!
G =]