30 January 2009

and then what

Just had this thought pop into my head during a conversation.

Lets say I decided to come out to all my family and friends today. I decided to call each and everyone up right now and say "Hi, I'm J and I like girls but I also like guys." What happens next? Will this huge weight be lifted off my shoulder. Will my life become something you see in the movies. Or does everything remain the same, because if its just gonna be the way it is now what's the point of coming out. I'm looking for balloons and not the same ol' pebbles I'm used to.


Doomed But Cheerful! said...

If everybody was the same, everywhere, there might be a simple answer to this question: in my experience, they are not. While telling everyone about your broader sexuality might be a short-term relief, you might also find you have another weight to bear. Perhaps you will become estranged from some or all of your family; perhaps you will lose some friends.
You might not care about that right now, or ever.
Then again, the manner of coming out - phone, text, e-mail, ad in the paper, or even face-to-face conversation - which? Or perhaps just let people find out for themselves, if they need to: let them ask, or make assumptions.
Ask yourself this - are you defined by your sexuality? Do you say, "hey, in case you didn't realise, I have a 32" waist." Or do you let them assume what they like, and only tell your tailor, as he needs to know.
Sexuality is a whole other matter, for sure - and depending on where you are in the world (or even your own country), your culture, your religion, and so on, sexuality is variously defining, or irrelevant - or anything in between.
We don't need to wear pink stars any more - would it be helpful to make our own? I don't think so.
Just think carefully about if, when and where you let the genie out of the bottle, as once he is airborne, there's no chance of getting him back in again!
As for life becoming like it is in the movies - do you mean Hollywood, or Europe? Whichever - real life is so much more fun - and tends to last a bit longer than the average 5 reel movie.
(I never heard anyone at the movies shout out "hey everyone, I like salt or butter on my popcorn!" - it just isn't relevant).

Anonymous Blogger said...

wow. You mustered up a lot of courage to do this.