21 June 2009

thanks 4 everything

mother’s day is cool. i can respect that. she carried me for nine months and yada, yada, yada. i’m cool with spending my las twenty dollars on some art suplies for a homemade mother’s day card, scented candles, and some sunflowers but i can’t say the same for father’s day.

but maybe that’s just me and my situation. i’m nineteen and i can count the times i’ve seen my dad on two hands the last ten years. yeah he gave me a car, but he also surprised me with the fact that i have a ten year old sister. and i’m still waiting to be told about the little brother he’s still hiding from me.

so while everyone else is having a wonderous father’s day just remember that i’ll be suffering through an awkward 30 minute conversation with my father that my grandmother either a. guilt tripped me into or b. bribed me into. the conversation will last thirty awkward minutes because my father will want to catch up on the happeneings of my life. but all i really wanna say is Happy Father’s Day and thank you for not pulling out.

currently listening to High Price by Ciara featuring Ludacris


FUCK NO said...

This was.. wow. After reading some of your previous posts.. well, you just leave me shocked. I'll be following you.

d said...

I love you J. it's okay if u don't like Father's day or ur father. i hope ur convo with ur dad was okay.

J said...

i pulled one of your moves and i didnt call.

E said...

"Happy Father's Day and thanks for not pulling out."

Had me rolling!! I told my brother and he said that is going on his card next year.