25 April 2009

oh the memories

Had a couple of spare minutes and was gonna work on these two blogger headers I was suppose to do for two guys, but as I was starting on them I came across all of my old headers. And now a trip down memory lane.

This was my first header and part of my "OMG BECKY, IM A FRESHMAN AT COLLEGE" phase. Really simple font, a battered arch logo, and a black wood panel background. Simple and to the point. This is probably my favorite of all the headers I had.

From my "HMMM, IM SO DRUNK AND BATTERED I DONT REMEMBER MY NAME" phase. I'm not too crazy about this one, but I remembered when I made it. I don't remember what happened that day, but this was the beginning or my green fascination which caused me to but any and everything that looked similar to kelly green or celtic green. Trust me, kelly green and celtic green are two different colors, don't be fooled by the naysayers.

The next few were all inspired by this music blog I frequently visited. Which also sparked the name change from inebriated to just J. And thus began the "HI! I'M MUTHAFUCKIN J AND IM EPIC AS FUCK" phase. This was also during the time when I finally started believeing all the hype that was Rihanna. So it was around the time when "Take A Bow" finally hit, because before that I was just on the fence about Rihanna, but now I'm in love with the chick. But the header didn't last for one resason. I started thinking I said to myself "Self, do any straight people read this blog?" And I answered no, and so I asked myself again I said "Self, then why do you have Rihanna's beautiful lips on the header?" And I said I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that her hands says love and I have that same exact tattoo on my finger. And so I decided to make another and use Corbin Blue's eyes, because this was also during the time when out of nowhere Corbin Blue got all buff and sexy.
And then! And then! And then it happened. Britney dropped "Circus" and started rehearsing for her new tour and I went into "OMG!OMG!OMGOD!IT'S BRITNEY BITCH" phase.
But after that subsided I went into "WHY AM I BLOGING AGAIN, MAYBE I SHOULD SAY SOMETHING MEANINGFUL AND STOP FOCUSING ON SEX" phase. I wanted to take it back to the basics. Back to why I started bloging so I made this header, with each pic expressing something about me. I never said what each pic represented, but I guess now is as good as anytime.
  • condoms, representing the fact that im a sexfiend but i only do it out of love
  • kissing, representing the fact that i do like girls and they look like they're in love
  • sign, kinda self-explanatory. i dont drink
  • pencils, they're actually color pencils and symbolise the fact that i'm a struggling artist
  • music, music is one of my first passions and i would probably die without it
  • more kissing, same as before but its two guys kissing cause i also like guys
  • and i think hose are movies, cause i want to be a director or screenwriter
And last, but not least I went into my blue phase. I fell out of love with green and back with blue and these two came out of it. The first one is pretty simple and described my blog at the time. It was all about college, life and sex. While the second brought back in the "Hi!I'm Js Blog" and describe what was troubling my mind at the time, am i too easy, and I guess the answer was No. I'm not.

currently listening to:I Do Not Hook Up-Kelly Clarkson


Aek said...

I personally really liked the one with multiple pics in it. :)

S said...

The green one reminds me of Jägermeister. (That stuff is nasty.)

I also like the one with multiple pictures. I want to hang that on my wall.