04 April 2009

if i put a gun to your head, what would you change about it

Damn, i did it again. I just keep coming up with all these titles for all these posts I'll either write and not post, or won't write. This is just the latest one. Ouch was also one, and i said its based on factual events. factual, was the beginning of the cycle. Anyone see a pattern?

If you said more pointless posts, with amazing titles you're probably right. But there will be a real post pretty soon, hell you've probably read the real post before getting to this one. But just in case I'm still slacking do me a favor. Head here and tell him that you love church, sex, and pancakes. But only homemade pancakes. I mean IHOP is good and everything, but how good can they be if they were willing to give away free pancakes. They kinda lost cool points in my book for that one. I mean you don't see Pepsi giving out free drinks, its because they know they're the best.

Or you could head here, and tell him its not too green its just green enough. And I know this for a fact because im an INTENDED art major and i'm taking a color and composition class, where we just learned all these color theories. So I know how to tell when something is balanced and not balanced, because I'm taking this class. So yeah, its green enough and its balanced and I promise to have a real post uploaded by 6 pm on April 4th. If not then you can blame him. Cause he gives good phone.


Aek said...

I'm confused. What's the point of this post? o_O

J said...

there isnt one, thats the point

a.b. said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out... or whatever the term for a blog shout out is. ;)

I can see posting great titles with very little substance turning into a very bad habit for me too.

J said...

no problem, i always love "shouting out" blogs that i read and are actually good, lol

ScaredTriumph! said...

Lol, much appreciated.

Aaand I need to start making title for my posts AFTER I write the post. They end up being mutually exclusive...

And, the not too green thing coming from the art major puts me at ease. :)

J said...

anytime man