18 March 2009

quick update

There's not really anything to write about, so this may be kinda pointless, but i'm okay with that if you are. Things are still going pretty good with me and Rick. The same can be said about me and Al, I even drove him back to his room in my car. I finally told Rick the whole story of me and Al, and he took it better than I expected.

I appreciate all the comments left from the last post. The choice seems obvious and I know I'm probably just being stupid, but if Rick was to give me an ultimatum today between him and Al, I don't know who I would choose. I don't wanna be with Rick officially, just because I can't be with Al. I don't think me or Rick would benefit from that.

On a side note, have you ever had a friend who you thought was a friend, but maybe you weren't as close as you thought you were? I don't know how to put it in words, but I think I'm in a situation like that. I could be totally wrong, so I don't wanna pass any kind of judgment yet.

But time tells a boy all.

so I guess i'll wait to see how all of this plays out.