16 March 2009

al vs. rick

Al [ahl]


a male given name: form of Albert, Alfred, Aloysius.

  1. an asian boy
  2. college freshman
  3. nineteen years of age
  4. an art student
  5. close friend
  6. currently has a boyfriend

Rick [rik]

a male given name: form of Erick or Richard.

  1. a mexican guy
  2. college freshman
  3. eighteen years of age
  4. journalism major
  5. close friend
  6. doesn't have a boyfriend
  7. amazing in bed
  8. has an 8 inch dick

So here's the thing, I'm kinda crushing on two guys. The decision seems obvious, but when emotions are involved things get a little complicated especially for me. Heres the situation I'm in. I know that me and Al will probably not get together this semester, and I'm moving to Cali in January so why not move on? Cause I'm either in love with this amazing guy or I'm just really obsessed. The time we're together I'm one of the happiest kids in the world and I don't even care that we're not together.

Then there's Rick. Only known him for four days, but I've spent the last three nights laying in his arms. He's a great guy and we instantly clicked. The sex is up there with some of the best times I've ever had, and there's just this connection when we're doing it. He wants a relationship with me, and I can see us being together, eventually, but right now I don't think we should go there.

  1. He's never dated and I'm only the second guy he's been with.
  2. I tend to fuck up when sex is involved.
  3. I still have feelings for Al.
  4. I'm afraid that I'm going to hurt him, if I let him in.
  5. I'm afraid of love.


Doomed But Cheerful! said...

That's going to be a hard a
call - but you are likey to get hurt if you wait it out for Al - and if you are going to move away, what then? Be friends, but try not to make a heap of feelings and stuff that will bite you in January. With Rick, provided you are considerate, and can give him a little more commitment than you might be used to, you might find a happy place to be for a good while.

'Clicking' is not something that happens all the time, so make the most of it.
G =]

Godfrey Off the Grid said...

I think you need to face facts that Al is a friend and as long as he has a boyfriend, that's not going to go any further. I think you should give this Rick kid a chance. Yes there are reasons it might not work out, but nothing worth giving up on him for. If he were a total asshole, then maybe... But it seems to me like you're confused about what love is. I think with Al, it's more like/lust. And maybe it's not love with Rick either, but at least in that case, there's a possibility of love. I would give that a chance because if you do find love with Rick, any feelings you might have had for Al will fly right out the window. You'll still be friends, but you'll find yourself only excited about being with your boyfriend. I say listen to Rick and just go with it. Worst case scenario, you have some amazing sex and get to know a potentially great guy. Al will still be right where you left him, as your friend.

ps-sorry if that's too direct. i tend to get a little up front late at night. haha

J said...

no its not too direct, its the kinda stuff i need to here to sort through all the bs, i have running in my head.

Windy City Sex blog said...

Godrfrey makes a lot of sense. The Al thing is unrequited and not love. It takes two to tango on that front. To deny yourself from enjoying this new guy is silly. You've known him for four days so why are you talking about relationships? Enjoy each other and allow the chips to fall where they may. Plus, you're 19 and he's 18, you both have a whole lot of living to do before you start bogging each other down. Being afraid of things will keep you from living your life. Instead of saying I am afraid how about I am courageous. Say it enough and you will make it true.

x! said...

I dig Rick. =)

Aek said...

You could always flip a coin. :P

In all seriousness, Rick is available, open, and willing. The question is, are you? Also, if you want to safeguard against hurting him, maybe lay it all out for him. Then the two of you establish ground rules. And if it works, then great. If not, just friends will suffice.