I've decided since I've reached a 100 post landmark and over 2000 visitors that I will share 100 secrets with the world. Most of them may not be secrets, but its not something that most people would know about me unless.
secret 1
- I have unusually large feet. I can't go to a store and buy shoes, I have to buy them from the Eastbay catalogue, but I can wear a size 14 in the classic K-Swiss shoe, which has become my shoe of choice. I have atleast three pair in black and in white.
- As I said before I don't get sick during the year. If I do its usually just a 24 hour bug or the common cold, but there's something about the month a February especially the week of and before my birthday. I'm usually sick as a dog then. All my hospital visits have always been in this time period. And being this is my first time away from home during the month I wonder how I'll make it through. Maybe I'll get lucky and will get something like bronchitis. That I can handle.
Never seen 'lucky' and 'bronchitis' paired before! You must have been sick before! Take your vitamins, drink your water, and get some sleep - and stay healthy so I can read what you are going to write next!
yes i always get sickly around my birhday so bronchitis would be a pat on the back. compared to some of the hospital visits i usually get around the ime.
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