04 January 2009

curious case

Today has been another slow, relaxing day of nothingness. I caught the Curious Case of Benjamin Button and finally understand why women and some men swoon over him. They're was this was shot when him and his wife were just doing what married people do in their duplex without furniture and it just made me fall in love with him. I've never found him sexy before, but in that moment I understood. I have to find a picture of it to share.

The movie was great, but for me Taraji P. Henson stole the movie. I'm just glad that she's finally gotten out of that whole "black comedy" stage and is now doing more serious roles. From this to her roles in Cadillac Records, Jamie Foxx's new video, and guest starring role on Eli Stone I'm really excited to see what she does next.

I also discovered MGMT today and Oracular Spectacular has been on constant repeat in my down time. Great album, everybody should go pick it up.

But on a side note I'm starting to hate my new roommate before I even meet him. He's going to the Britney Spears "Circus" concert when it hits Atlanta in March.





Godfrey Off the Grid said...

You mean you're beginning to LOVE him. haha.

J said...

if by love you mean wanting to throw him in the atlantic ocean and steal his circus tickets, then ye, lol